Translation Sample 2

XXX University
Visiting Student Program
Pre-departure Information
XXX University

On behalf of XXX University, I congratulate you on your decision to study in the United States and your acceptance into XXX University’s visiting student program.

Flight Arrangements:

All international students are required to attend international student orientation. Orientation is scheduled for the Tuesday before the beginning of classes. This fall semester, orientation will be held in the morning of August 15th. Therefore, students need to arrive to the university no later than August 12th and no earlier than August 10th
Students needing transit from the airport to the University must fly into XXX Airport. Students must notify the Office of International Education of their flight itinerary at least two weeks before their arrival so that arrangements can be made for their airport pickup. Itineraries should be emailed to XXX at …. All students from the same university must arrive and depart from the US as a group.  At the end of the semester, students must notify the Office of International Education of their departure details three weeks before their departure if they need transit to the airport.  Students leaving after the fall semester need to vacate their dorm by December 17th.  Airport shuttles will not be made after December 17th, as the University will be on vacation. Students flying out before 11:00 am or during the weekend may be required to stay at a hotel at their own expense before their flight.

Housing Arrangements:

Students participating in the visiting student program receive free housing on-campus in a University dorm.  Students are required to submit the international housing application.  This form can be requested from the program director at your campus or from XXX. Students can move into their dormitory a week before the beginning of classes and must move out no later than the Tuesday after exam week. Students must pay a deposit fee of XXX for their dormitory.


Visiting students are required to pay tuition at XXX University.  Students can expect the cost of tuition to range between XXX and XXX for full-time fifteen undergraduate credit hours of study. Students attending classes during the summer session will be required to pay additional tuition for each credit hour of study. Undergraduate students must maintain 12 credit hours for full-time status and graduate students must maintain 9 credit hours.  Students will be required to add the appropriate credit hours of course work at their own expense if they drop a class that results in the student having a course credit load that is less than 12 credit hours/9 graduate credit hours.

Health Care:

Visiting students are required to purchase university health care at a cost of about XXX per year or about XXX for XXX months.  Students must make this payment during their first three days on campus. 


Generally, students will take 4 classes of study at XXX. XXX will serve as the academic advisor to all visiting students. If students have any curricular requirements, he should be notified with the specifics of these requirements at least two weeks before the start of classes so that appropriate arrangements can be made. All visiting students will be required to take at least one ESL course.  Students with a TOEFL score of XXX or higher (or its approved equivalent) may petition out of the ESL course.


Students can expect to pay around XXX to XXX a semester for books for their classes. However, the exact amount will vary depending on the courses selected.  Students are encouraged to visit the bookstore or its website before the start of classes to estimate the cost of textbooks for the semester. See the Useful Website section below for the bookstore website


Students can expect to spend XXX a month for food depending on their dietary habits.  Students are not required to purchase a meal plan at the University but may choose to do so.  Meal plan rates start at XXX for 100 meals during the semester.

Useful Websites:

Student Portal:
Housing Issues:




  1. 航班安排:

所有国际学生需参加国际学生迎新会。迎新会将于开课前一周的周二举办。迎新会定于8月15日上午。因此学生入校不得晚于8月12日,且不可早于8月10日。国际学生办只提供xxx国际机场的接机服务。为保证国际学生办顺利安排接机,学生必须提前两周通知国际学生办公室准确的行程安排及航班信息。请将行程信息以邮件形式发送给XXX, 邮箱:… 为保证学生的安全,MSU要求所有来自同一所中国院校的学生必须有组织地一起出发,抵达,离开机场。学期末,如果学生需要送机,学生需要提前三周通知国际学生办公室。特别提示,由于学校放假,学生需要在12月17号之前腾出宿舍,学校不提供12月17日之后的送机。除此之外,国际学生办的工作时间是周一至周五,如果学生的航班早于上午十一点或是在周末,学生可能需要在XXX留宿以等候飞机起飞,其间所产生的食宿费用学生自己承担。

  1. 住宿安排:

XXX为交流访问学生提供免费校内宿舍。学生需要提交国际学生住宿申请。申请表可向中国学校国际学生办主任或XXX 领取。学生可于开课前一周入住宿舍,学生搬出宿舍不得晚于考试周后第一个周二。学生需缴纳XXX美元的宿舍保证金。

  1. 学费:


  1. 保险:


  1. 课程安排:

通常情况,本科生每学期修4门课。XXX 将作为你的指导老师帮助你选课。有任何与课程有关的要求,至少需要在开课前两周和指导老师联系,以便做出及时的课程调整。所有交流访问学生必须选上至少一门ESL课程。托福成绩达到或高于XXX分的学生可申请取消ESL课程。



  1. 饮食:


  1. 更多信息:






CTP Stap










Translation Sample 1

Memorandum of Agreement

Between XXX, United States

And XXX, P.R. China

In the spirit of the previous memorandum of agreement already in effect between our two institutions, regarding Exchange of Students, XXX University and XXX University enter into this updated agreement, replacing the previous student exchange agreement.

  • XXX University agrees to accept up to ten qualified students per academic year from XXX University as visiting, non-degree seeking students for up to one academic year of study. These students must have satisfactory academic records as determined by XXX and demonstrated proficiency in English (undergraduates must earn XXX TOEFL score, XXX IELTS score or successfully pass the XXX English Proficiency test, graduate students must earn XXX TEOFL score or XXX IELTS score); their credentials must be submitted to the Office of Enrollment Services for evaluation. All required admissions materials must be sent to XXX by May 1st for fall semester enrollment and December 1st for spring semester enrollment. XXX will accept all credits earned at XXX towards degree requirements at XXX. Undergraduate students who participate in this program will receive a visiting undergraduate international student scholarship. Graduate students participating in this program will not receive any scholarship. Students will pay applicable housing fees to XXX University. Students will reside in one of the double or quadruple occupancy University residence halls with heat and air-conditioning. Students will not be required to pay any application fee and will not be required to purchase a meal plan. Students will be responsible for providing for their meals. Students are required to pay for their own health insurance costs at XXX University. Visiting students will not be required to provide a WES evaluation for admission purposes; however, an evaluation must be on file from the partner university indicating that it is regionally accredited. Students interested in matriculating into a degree-seeking program at XXX will be required to submit a course-by-course WES evaluation (if transfer of credit is being requested) or degree-verification evaluation. XXX will provide academic advising and supervision to help these students achieve success. All students shall be subject to the policies, regulations, and procedures of XXX.
  • Fees for 2015-2016 are as follows (fees change annually):
Undergraduate Tuition (per semester, up to 18 credit hours) $
Visiting Undergraduate International Student Scholarship (per semester) $
Net-Undergraduate Tuition (Amount student pays per semester) $
Graduate Tuition (9 credit hours per semester) $
Housing (per semester, estimated as determined by hall chosen) $
Insurance (prorated per day,  per semester estimate)          $
  • All students demonstrating English proficiency through the XXX English Proficiency Test will be required to take a minimum of two English as a Second Language courses each semester. Students may be required to take more than two depending on their proficiency level as determined by their results on the XXX English proficiency Test. Undergraduate students may take no fewer than twelve credit hours per semester. Graduate students must enroll in a minimum of nine credit hours. Each student will work with an academic advisor to build a class schedule that is satisfactory to both parties.
  • All students participating in the visiting student program shall arrive and depart the US as one group. Students planning on enrolling for one year shall commence their program in the fall semester. Transportation from the airport to the University will be provided to students arriving the Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday before classes start. All students must attend a mandatory orientation the week before classes start.  Failure to arrive on time may result in extra fees, pre-built class schedule, and transportation to the University at the student’s expense. XXX reserves the right to defer to the next semester students who cannot begin on-time the semester for which they applied.
  • XXX will host XXX students and faculty who come to XXX as a group or as individuals to study, conduct research, or engage in other professional development activities. XXX will provide housing, airport transfers, access to facilities, and other support for officially sponsored visitors from XXX. Specifics of such programs shall be detailed as an annex to this Memorandum of Agreement upon mutual written approval from both parties.
  • XXX agrees to accept two visiting scholars per year in the spring semester from XXX. More may be accepted upon request and availability. Scholars visiting during the fall semester will be responsible for their own housing arrangements. Application instructions will be sent on request. For visiting scholars participating in a program during the spring semester, XXX will provide lodging and airport transfer free of charge, and assist visiting scholars to pursue their research while at XXX.
  • This agreement will go into effect on the date of signature, and will remain in effect for three years with provisions for annual changes to terms specified in article 2, at which time it may be renewed by the mutual action of the parties. Either party may terminate the agreement with three months’ written advance notice. If either exercises that option, students already participating in the exchange will be allowed to complete their studies at the host institution under the terms of agreement in effect at the time of their acceptance into the program. 
  • All provisions of the agreement are subject to the laws of both countries, especially export control laws of the United States. Any provision that is contrary to said laws shall be null and void. The remaining provisions shall be in full force and effect if the balance of the agreement can be carried forward in the manner anticipated by the parties.


XXX Ph.D.                                                                       XXX Ph.D.

President                                                                        President

XXX University                                                             XXX University


中国XXX大学   美国XXX 大学





本科生费用(一个学期,最多18学分) $
本科国际访问学生奖学金(一个学期) $
本科国际访问学生费用(学生实际支付费用) $
研究生费用(一个学期,每个学期9个学分) $
住宿费用(一个学期。以入住宿舍的实际费用为准) $
健康保险(以实际天数计算, 一个学期) $








________________________________      _______________________________

XXX 博士                                                                          XXX 博士

校长                                                                                   校长

XXX大学                                                                          XXX大学

日期:                                                                                 日期:



CTP Stap




The Difference between For-Profit Org. and Non-Profit Org.

“Foreign NGOs must not engage in or fund for-profit activities or political activities, and must not illegally engage in religious activities or illegally fund religious activities” (Foreign NGO Management Law, Article 25, Prohibited areas)


In my opinion, the absolute prohibition of “For-Profit Activities” hinders the development of foreign NGO’s humanitarian aid to China.

Non-profit organizations are not supposed to be “non-profit”. The design of programs, advertising of programs, implementing of programs and organizational administration and so on, every unit must cause corresponding expenses. Non-profit organizations have to be profitable. In this sense, the purpose of Non-profit organization must be “Non-profit”, while the process must be profitable.

Therefore, the activities which NGOs engage in must be “for-profit”, while the programs NGOs fund are supposed to be “non-profit”. Here, we must distinguish activities from programs.

The most significant difference between NGOs and “for-profit” organizations is that NGOs use their funds for a common/public good, while “for-profit” orgs. use their funds to expand reproduction to satisfy a certain group’s needs.

The most common thing is that they all engage in raising money through “for-profit” activities.

According to the analysis of difference and common ground between NGOs and FPOs, we should not put such hard prohibition on their activities; however, we should focus more on scrutiny of how they distribute their funds, providing sufficient assistance and convenience with their implementing their programs.

Rule of Law Provides More Opportunities for Overseas NGOs in China


2015年07月26日 16:25:13 来源: 新华网

  外交部、公安部、民政部25日在上海共同召开境外非政府组织座谈会。国务委员、公安部部长郭声琨(前排右三)主持座谈会并讲话。 盛一鸣 摄









美国世界健康基金会上海办公室总监徐丽华在座谈会上发言。 盛一鸣 摄













德国工商大会大中华区上海代表处首席代表鲍明莉在座谈会上发言。 盛一鸣 摄












